Tansley | Halloran


Probate and Family Court orders and judgments are intended to be followed.  When they are ignored, or blatantly violated, a contempt action is the remedy. A complaint for contempt asks the Probate and Family Court to enforce its previously issued judgment or order. Examples of reasons for a contempt matter may include the failure to pay child support or alimony, refusal of parenting time, or failure to properly divide marital assets.

There are also valid defenses that may be raised against a complaint for contempt.  There are clear evidentiary standards and burden of proof requirements in a contempt matter. Contempt matters should be taken seriously.  As penalties for being found in contempt, a Judge may order the payment of the other party’s legal fees and/or change the violated order.

The Worcester County family law attorneys at Tansley | Halloran have experience on both sides of contempt matters.  If there is an order being violated, or you have been served with a Complaint for Contempt, call the attorneys at Tansley | Halloran.